Sample SAT English Syllabus:  The first meeting is for a 2-hour diagnostic exam, after which the parents and student meet with the instructor to discuss  the results and future lessons. 


Prior to attending the first class, students are required to complete two assignments:

1)      Memorize the first 200 words from the Vocabulary lists 1 an 2– students who will not know these words will be sent home immediately

2)      Read and summarize Brave New World by Aldous Huxley.

At the first lesson, students learn prefixes, roots and suffixes to simplify future memorization of vocabulary words and to better understand the words that they’d already memorized. Commonly confused words, and rules for full sentences, commas, semicolons and colons are taught. The homework assignment is to memorize the vocabulary words, including the 10 new words, study grammar notes, begin to read the following novel (a new novel is assigned every two weeks), and to write ten sentences about the novel, using commas, semicolons and vocabulary words in each sentence.

At the second lesson, students learn the rules for apostrophes, quotation marks, hyphens, dashes, ellipses, parenthesis and brackets.The home work assignment is to memorize the vocabulary words, including the 100 new words, study grammar notes, continue to read the novel, and to write ten sentences about the novel, using commas, apostrophes, quotation marks and vocabulary words in each sentence.

At the third to fifth lessons, students learn the rules for verb tenses, and subject verb agreement, pronoun choice, and proper use of adjectives and adverbs.  The homework assignment is to memorize the vocabulary words, including the 100 new words, study grammar notes, begin to read the following novel, and to write three paragraphs about the novel, using all of the grammar rules and vocabulary words that had been taught.

Once students will have learned basic grammar and writing skills, they will be taught more advanced grammar.  At this point, they will begin to write weekly essays, which are emailed to the instructor and revised daily. Students will be taught how to properly read the passages found in the reading comprehension sections of the exam and will practice with hundreds of sample passages.  

Practice, practice, practice!  At least twenty timed practice exams will be taken by the student. An improvement in scores should be evident each time.    

Supplies will be provided by ExamIQ upon registration to the class.